Are you unable to pay your debts and have you requested assistance from a debt advice provider or an administrator? You made the right decision. Ask your counsellor to contact us as soon as possible. Together we can examine your options and discuss the current status. Are you thinking about applying for this? Read more about this below.
- I want to apply for debt advice
If you need help to pay off your debts, there are various agencies that can help you with this. Enquire with your municipality. The municipality is obliged to assist you with this.
- My debt advice provider or administrator requires an overview of my debts
You can view your debt balance in Dossier Online and print out an overview of your debts. Give this document to your debt advice provider.
- My debt advice provider or administrator says that I no longer have to pay off my payment instalment agreement
The fact that you have registered with a debt advice provider or an administrator does not automatically mean that your debts are frozen. You may incur additional costs until your counsellor has made a mutually acceptable proposal. Stay in touch with us so we can advise you.
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